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  • rnormand23

Peter's Patter - Nov 5th

The first quarter of the school year is officially finished - and these students in the fifth and sixth grade classroom have been hard at work! If I had to guess, I think it would be a toss up between the students enjoying art or gym class the most. Students have begun working on their first major art projects (either drawing a portrait of a fellow classmate or creating collage of different facial expressions). In gym class, the students recently worked on their punting and passing skills to play some more football. In Social Studies, students have recently started learning about the Civil War. We began this unit with a brief introduction to three important battles (Bull Run, Shiloh, and Antietam). Students then went on a webquest scouring the internet for more key information on the war. In Science, we began discussing matter - what is matter, what are the forms of matter, and started working with experiments that show the different states of matter. However, I think their most memorable experiment was that in which they taste tested Starbursts with their eyes closed. This helped them to understand how the particles from the Starburst travel through their nose and why they cannot taste when they are sick. In math, the fifth graders have been estimating and multiplying large numbers - they are getting a lot of multiplication practice!

Sixth graders also have been working with writing and solving multiplication and division problems expressions that include variables. Reminders that we do not have school the week of November 20th for Thanksgiving Break! Please also send children with hats, mittens, and jackets as the colder weather is quickly approaching us!

“Thank you, God, for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous - how well I know it.” - Psalm 139:14

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