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End of First Quarter!


Greetings from grades 6, 7 & 8. This week we wrapped up the first quarter of our school year! It’s crazy how quickly the last 9 weeks have flown by!

Fifth through eighth grades ended the quarter by completing some long-term projects they’ve been working on. They all collected and pressed wildflowers in September and worked during the past month to identify those flowers. Once identified, each student compiled his/her flowers into a book for display. Additionally, the students have been learning about the saint that they will dress up as on All Saints Day. Students researched their saint and wrote a biography of the saint. On All Saints Day the students will share what they learned about their saint with their classmates.

In Religion, the 5th and 6th grades have been delving deeper into the requirements of the 2nd Commandment. They also worked to learn the Holy Days of Obligation. Seventh and eighth grade students have been studying the hierarchy of the Church and how it came to be. In math, sixth grade worked hard on division with decimals and writing algebraic division expressions. PreAlgebra students learned how to solve one-step equations and inequalities while Algebra students solved multi-step equations and proportions. Seventh and eighth grade students finished reading My Side of the Mountain. It was fun to compare the book to the movie. The consensus was that the movie was better! Sixth grade has been reading fantasy and a play in their reading class. In science, sixth grade learned about the organelles in cells and how genetics made them look like they do. Seventh and eighth grades have been studying how cells store energy and how they divide.

Please join us for special Masses this week. On Tuesday, November 1, there will Mass at 8:30 am for All Saints Day–come see the students dressed as saints! On Wednesday, November 2, Mass will be at 11 am for All Souls Day.

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